
2022-03-31 16:18:32 来源:


Suppose your cousin, Li Ming, has just been admitted to a university, write him/her a letter to

1) congratulate him/her, and

2) give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Zhang Wei" instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear Li Ming,

I heard that you had been admitted to a university. First, congratulations. I can well imagine how proud of your parents are now, since they have been anxiously hoping to witness your success. And then, I would like to give you some suggestions about your preparations for university life.

To begin with, you should set up your own goals about what you want to learn at the university and what you want to be after four years of learning. Then, based on your goals, you'd better start reading some books about your major and be familiar with your major. It helps you enter a better condition early. Last but not the least, you should get used to an independent living soon. You have to cultivate a habit of independent living style. The earlier you rely on yourself, the quicker you can get a self-motivated university life.

That's all my suggestions. Hope you have a worthy summer holiday and enjoy yourself.

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Wei






